The Centre for Creative Relational Inquiry (CCRI) fosters qualitative research that is situated, positioned, context-sensitive, personal, experience-near, and embodied; research that embraces the performative and the aesthetic; research that engages with the political, the social, and the ethical; research that problematizes agency, autonomy, and representation; research that cherishes its relationship with theory, creating concepts as it goes; research that is dialogical and collaborative; and research that is explicit and curious about the inquiry process itself.
Relational care in forensic psychiatry
Petra Schaftenaar, who participates in Critical Ethics of Care, gives insight to her PhD research on relational care in forensic psychiatric care in the Netherlands. Continue reading Relational care in forensic psychiatry
Why researchers need to be open
Why researchers need to be open about ethical uneasiness, doubts and uncertainties.
In recent years, I have conducted highly intimate research with a possible impact on life and death, Continue reading Why researchers need to be open
Second European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Leuven 6 – 9 February, 2018
The conference theme is Nomadic Inquiry: Continue reading Second European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
Why Care? Symposium Berlin July 2018
Call for papers. Abstracts by March 30
Why care? is an attempt to critically explore the massive mobilization of care in modern life. It interrogates the biopolitical ambivalences of the modern institutionalization of care as well as the prevailing economies and economics of care regarding what counts as care, the value of care, and its differential allocation.
See the Symposium Program and the Symposium Poster
Participation, Care and Support
The research group Participation, Care and Support is part of the Research Centre for Social Innovation of Utrecht University for Applied Sciences. This is a transdisciplinary research centre, doing practice based research focused on relevant social issues, connecting different fields like social work, care, law, employment, policy and organisation. In the centre, around 125 researchers are active Continue reading Participation, Care and Support