The International Care Forum Lectures was initiated by Dan Engster at the University of Houston (USA) in 2020. The Care Forum is an international cooperative group dedicated to sponsoring lectures, discussions, and other types of events on care theory and was sponsored by the Elizabeth D. Rockwell Center on Ethics and Leadership. You can watch here some of their previous lectures Continue reading International Care Forum (USA) – Call for presentations
Author: Webteam
Peace carillons mark one year of war in Ukraine
February 24th 2023 marks the one-year ‘anniversary’ of the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops.
Carillonneurs in several European countries publicly commemorate this day by playing their carillons. Continue reading Peace carillons mark one year of war in Ukraine
Surviving as a Form of Life
The Ethics of Care as a Critique of the Ideal of the Successful Life: do individuals universally prioritize self-development? In this short book, Frans Vosman challenges this notion, highlighting a cultural group focused on survival. Vosman advocates using ‘form of life’ and ‘cultural class’ to research political ethics, challenging hegemonic ideals. Continue reading Surviving as a Form of Life
Remembering Nel Noddings (1929-2022)
Nel Noddings, well known for her conceptual contributions to the ethics of care, passed away on August 25, 2022 at the age of 93. Continue reading Remembering Nel Noddings (1929-2022)
Repost – We should be looking for fellow travelers
Present times, worrisome as they are, require the critical ethics of care to be put in the spotlight. Next to current articles, the editors plan to every now and then repost earlier articles to clarify this specific way of care-ethical thinking. We start with a post written in 2017 by care ethicist Frans Vosman († 2020). Vosman, founder of this website, introduced himself in this article by presenting his thoughts about care ethics and by pointing out where further thinking is required.
Continue reading Repost – We should be looking for fellow travelers
Social inclusion or cohesion, an atonal perspective
In the video-interview, which is embedded in this article, we gladly introduce Sabrina Keinemans and her take on the specific relationship between her research- and educational activities and the politico-ethical aspects of the Social Work practice.
Keinemans is a Dutch lecturer in the field of social integration and chair of the Ethical Committee on Research at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences in Sittard (NL). Focussing on social inclusion, she is especially interested in the opportunities and limitations of social workers to contribute to the politico-ethical aspects of social work practice. Continue reading Social inclusion or cohesion, an atonal perspective