
In search of good care: a new perspective on qualitative inquiry

‘The methodology of phenomenological, theory-oriented ‘N=N case studies’ in empirically grounded ethics of care’ – in their paper Dutch care-ethicists Guus Timmerman, Andries Baart and Frans Vosman propose a new view on the methodology of qualitative inquiry in (care) ethics. Continue reading In search of good care: a new perspective on qualitative inquiry

Frans Vosman’s ‘Survivor‘: five inspirations

Honoring Frans Vosman, editor Ivonne Hoen wants to share with you his ‘unspeakable’ legacy for her research regarding the ‘survivor with chronic suffering’. She also ponders about taking up the challenge to broaden his theoretical concept with lifeworld experiences in the political practice. Continue reading Frans Vosman’s ‘Survivor‘: five inspirations

Reframing Care – Reading María Puig de la Bellacasa ‘Matters of Care Speculative Ethics in More Than Human Worlds’

At the end of 2018, CEC researchers and devotees attended a reading group, discussing Matters of Care Speculative Ethics in More Than Human Worlds (MoC) by Maria Puig de la Bellacasa (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2017) Continue reading Reframing Care – Reading María Puig de la Bellacasa ‘Matters of Care Speculative Ethics in More Than Human Worlds’

The moral relevance of lived experience

As care ethics tries to value the particular bodily experience of patients and caregivers it is by no means very clear how to do so. Recently a book was published by Steven C. van den Heuvel et al., Theological ethics and moral value Phenomena (Routledge, 2018). You are welcome to read a sample: On the basis of an observation of a care scene in the complexity of a general hospital, Frans Vosman proposes to use political phenomenology to address those experiences. He criticizes bioethics for its abstraction of experience. As an alternative, he suggests discovering Gestalt-like figures in care scenes. Continue reading The moral relevance of lived experience