
International Care Forum (USA) – Call for presentations

The International Care Forum Lectures was initiated by Dan Engster at the University of Houston (USA) in 2020. The Care Forum is an international cooperative group dedicated to sponsoring lectures, discussions, and other types of events on care theory and was sponsored by the Elizabeth D. Rockwell Center on Ethics and Leadership. You can watch here some of their previous lectures Continue reading International Care Forum (USA) – Call for presentations

Research Seminar on Care for Life and the Common Good

Estela Roselló Soberón is the general coordinator of the Research Seminar on Care for Life and the Common Good at the research institute Centro de Ciencias de la Complejidad (C3) of UNAM, National Autonomous University of Mexico. She introduces the research programme of this Research Seminar. Continue reading Research Seminar on Care for Life and the Common Good

Practical wisdom: vital core of professionalism in medical practices

The subject of the PhD thesis of Marij Bontemps is practical wisdom, “.. the virtuous capacity to .. discover what is morally relevant, knowing how to decide, knowing how to act, as well as knowing how to learn from what was not done well. Continue reading Practical wisdom: vital core of professionalism in medical practices