Gaby Jacobs, member of the research network Critical Ethics of Care, presents a summary of her inaugural lecture Meaning in Spiritual Care (2020) in the following article.
Continue reading Meaning in Spiritual CareCategory Archives: Academic Exchange
Digging into care practices
This article by the Dutch care-ethicists Vosman, Timmerman and Baart was part of a special issue of the International Journal of Care and Caring (IJCC), a new multidisciplinary journal designed to advance scholarship and debate in the important and expanding field of care and caring. Continue reading Digging into care practices
Care Ethics in yet a Different Voice: Francophone Contributions
The edited anthology offers translations of important texts, published by francophone care ethics scholars since the early 2000s. This gives readers a glimpse of the diversity of French-language care scholarship, and its unwavering commitment to showing that care is fundamentally political.
Continue reading Care Ethics in yet a Different Voice: Francophone Contributions
The Theme of ‘class’ in care-ethical research
The Critical Ethics of Care research network of the Dutch foundation Critical Ethics of Care reflects on whether care-ethical research should engage more with the theme of ‘class’.
Continue reading The Theme of ‘class’ in care-ethical researchThe fragile voices from the work floor. Care-ethical power issues reconsidered
Social worker Silke Jacobi MA considers in the summary of her care-ethical thesis (2019) the possibilities of more impact and (political) participation of the institutional care-worker in an ambiguous neo-liberal context. Continue reading The fragile voices from the work floor. Care-ethical power issues reconsidered
When the state meets the street
Bernardo Zacka, political theorist and as such assistant professor at MIT Political Science, Cambridge, USA delivered a lecture at the University of Humanstic Studies in the Netherlands. The lecture centred around his research publication When the state meets the street: public service and moral agency. Continue reading When the state meets the street