Care theory started out as a critical epistemology that added a different, a female voice to morality. As a political ethics, care theory has moreover turned its attention to political practices and institutions that beget inequality and power asymmetries through political practices of gendering and racializing, and thereby devaluing and marginalizing, care work and carers. Continue reading The relevance of critical insights of postcolonial theory
Category Archives: Academic Exchange
Attentiveness is complex and political
An interview with Klaartje Klaver about her PhD thesis Dynamics of Attentiveness (2016) Continue reading Attentiveness is complex and political
Care Ethics and Precarity
Precarity is a rich and widely contested term that can describe a variety of oppressive circumstances. The Care Ethics Research Consortium (CERC), a worldwide, interdisciplinary community organises its first annual conference on this theme. Eva Feder Kittay and Fiona Robinson will be the key note speakers. Continue reading Care Ethics and Precarity
Affect matters
Affect Matters is a book about relationship. It is about the centrality of affect in our relationships to others, and in particular, it examines the precariousness and ambiguity of our affect-filled lives. Continue reading Affect matters
Why researchers need to be open
Why researchers need to be open about ethical uneasiness, doubts and uncertainties.
In recent years, I have conducted highly intimate research with a possible impact on life and death, Continue reading Why researchers need to be open
Caring Democracy: Current Topics
An international meeting of care ethicists and political theorists was for the first time organized in Eastern-Central Europe. It was held under the title Caring Democracy: Current Topics in the Political Theory of Care in Prague Continue reading Caring Democracy: Current Topics