Online booklaunch of the recently published book Relational Caring and Presence Theory in Health Care and Social Work: A Care-Ethical Perspective, elaborating the thesis that no form of care, help, or support can do without a relational core, with the risk that seekers of help feel abandoned. Continue reading RELATIONAL CARING: A SOFT VOICE IN TRANSFORMING SOCIETY

Through the Eye of the Needle. Next steps for care ethics

Between 2014 and 2020, care ethicist Frans Vosman († 2020) wrote several articles in which he explained the need for next steps within care ethics. Some of these were mentioned in our introduction to his article Taking Refuge in the Arts (Vosman, 2016). We now add another article.
Continue reading Through the Eye of the Needle. Next steps for care ethics

CERC 2025 Conference: Care, Aesthetics, and Repair

The third international Care Ethics Research Consortium (CERC) conference explores the intersections of art, aesthetics, and care, examining how the creative and caring practices of artists, practitioners, care workers, scholars, activists, and others shape our worlds and inspire new directions in care ethics and theory. Continue reading CERC 2025 Conference: Care, Aesthetics, and Repair

A fair balance in health data protection and promotion

In her dissertation A fair balance. Health data protection and the promotion of health data use for clinical and research purposes, Irith Kist discusses the complexity of obtaining consent for the use of health data in health care and scientific research. Continue reading A fair balance in health data protection and promotion