
Practical wisdom: vital core of professionalism in medical practices

The subject of the PhD thesis of Marij Bontemps is practical wisdom, “.. the virtuous capacity to .. discover what is morally relevant, knowing how to decide, knowing how to act, as well as knowing how to learn from what was not done well. Continue reading Practical wisdom: vital core of professionalism in medical practices

Care Ethics Research Consortium Conference 2020

Decentering ethics:
Challenging privileges, building solidarities

University of Ottawa
Ontario (Canada)
October 29-31, 2020

Local organizers: Sophie Bourgault (University of Ottawa)
and Fiona Robinson (Carleton University)

Scholars from all disciplines are invited to submit an abstract (between 250-300 words) for a 20-minute presentation (firm time limit) on the theme of Decentering Ethics. We are seeking presentations that explore how an ethic of care has addressed or can address the issues of privilege, hierarchy and solidarity in the contemporary context. All scholarly approaches are welcome including those that address or employ theory, empirical data, applications, policy, aesthetics, etc. Please note that the organizing committee encourages presentations that are not read.

See for further details this pdf

When the state meets the street

Bernardo Zacka, political theorist and as such assistant professor at MIT Political Science, Cambridge, USA delivered a lecture at the University of Humanstic Studies in the Netherlands. The lecture centred around his research publication When the state meets the street: public service and moral agency. Continue reading When the state meets the street