
Problem or “mystery” in Care and Social Work?

Social professionals’ view of the good life and vulnerability determines what is seen as a problem and how it is tackled. The French philosopher Gabriel Marcel proposes the notion of “mystery” as an alternative to thinking in terms of problems.
Our editors Silke Jacobi and Ivonne Hoen attended a symposium (1) questioning the problem- and solution-oriented approach in social work getting in the way of the social worker’s “knowing”. They regard this a topical issue, in the symposium related to the phenomenological “mystery” notion of Gabriel Marcel (1889-1973).

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In search of good care: a new perspective on qualitative inquiry

‘The methodology of phenomenological, theory-oriented ‘N=N case studies’ in empirically grounded ethics of care’ – in their paper Dutch care-ethicists Guus Timmerman, Andries Baart and Frans Vosman propose a new view on the methodology of qualitative inquiry in (care) ethics. Continue reading In search of good care: a new perspective on qualitative inquiry

Social inclusion or cohesion, an atonal perspective

In the video-interview, which is embedded in this article, we gladly introduce Sabrina Keinemans and her take on the specific relationship between her research- and educational activities and the politico-ethical aspects of the Social Work practice.
Keinemans is a Dutch lecturer in the field of social integration and chair of the Ethical Committee on Research at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences in Sittard (NL). Focussing on social inclusion, she is especially interested in the opportunities and limitations of social workers to contribute to the politico-ethical aspects of social work practice. Continue reading Social inclusion or cohesion, an atonal perspective