A special issue of the journal, Philosophies, edited by Maurice Hamington, of Portland State University and Maggie FitzGerald of the University of Saskatchewan, is now available online. The issue’s theme is ‘Care Ethics Confronts Mainstream Philosophy’. Continue reading Care Ethics Confronts Mainstream Philosophy
Call for Papers Ethics & Social Welfare
Ethics and Social Welfare will publish a special issue dedicated to promoting exchange and discussion on issues, challenges, and problems – as well as experiences, practises, and strategies – arising from the conducting of research. Continue reading Call for Papers Ethics & Social Welfare
Research Seminar on Care for Life and the Common Good
Estela Roselló Soberón is the general coordinator of the Research Seminar on Care for Life and the Common Good at the research institute Centro de Ciencias de la Complejidad (C3) of UNAM, National Autonomous University of Mexico. She introduces the research programme of this Research Seminar. Continue reading Research Seminar on Care for Life and the Common Good
Lotta Blokker’s ‘layered’ sculptures of human beings
Sculptress Lotta Blokker’s work It’s a Boy has featured on the Ethics of Care website for several years now. In July 2021, Blokker received the International Arkin Award, and a few months later she was chosen Artist of the Year (2022, the Netherlands). ((1)) These double honours are the occasion for Jeannet van de Kamp to look more closely at Lotta Blokker’s work, and also to discuss why this work is of interest to her, as contributing editor to the Ethics of Care website and as a researcher. Continue reading Lotta Blokker’s ‘layered’ sculptures of human beings
Call for papers Care Ethics Otherwise
In this special issue of Essays in Philosophy, we aim to include essays focused on previously underexplored approaches to examining and practicing care ethics. We are seeking work that actively decenters understandings of care rooted in white, bourgeois, heteronormative domestic/kinship norms and practices. Continue reading Call for papers Care Ethics Otherwise
Unbridled Care
The WHO’s definition of “health,” formulated in 1948, reads: ‘A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’. Worldwide there is and was discussion about it. Continue reading Unbridled Care