More self-reliance, less government? Neoliberalisation in healthcare and social welfare

The Critical Ethics of Care research is interested in the study of the impact of neoliberalism in health care and social welfare. How concepts and ideas circulating in those domains, originate in, are influenced by, or are susceptible to neoliberalism.

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When the state meets the street

Bernardo Zacka, political theorist and as such assistant professor at MIT Political Science, Cambridge, USA delivered a lecture at the University of Humanstic Studies in the Netherlands. The lecture centred around his research publication When the state meets the street: public service and moral agency. Continue reading When the state meets the street

REALITY, artistic research on ‘losing grip on reality’

In 2016, the Dutch artist Yasmijn Karhof spent three months as artist-in-residence in the psychiatric ward at Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn NYC (USA). Integral to her artistic practice is the expression of the subjective experience of reality in a visual context.

Continue reading REALITY, artistic research on ‘losing grip on reality’