Author: Tessa Roberts-Smorenburg

Tessa Roberts-Smorenburg

Tessa Roberts-Smorenburg graduated as a master in Ethics of Care and Policy at the University of Humanistic Studies in Utrecht (NL) in 2015. She currently holds the double position of ethical consultant, and policy advisor in the Centre on the Quality of Life and Survivorship, at the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital in Amsterdam (NL). This centre accommodates the physical/psychosocial, supportive and survivorship care for cancer patients. As a sociotherapist she worked in direct contact with patients in psychiatric clinics. Her previous experience at TAAK brought her in contact with visual artists and care institutions to whom she provided an ethics of care perspective during research and project development for the programme “Art & Care”.

Alistair Niemeijer about his PhD thesis ‘Surveilling Autonomy, Securing Care’

Surveillance technologies (ST) such as video surveillance, GPS tags and movement sensors are increasingly being used in residential care for vulnerable people, even though they raise various concerns. What does morally good care with surveillance technologies entail?  Continue reading Alistair Niemeijer about his PhD thesis ‘Surveilling Autonomy, Securing Care’

“Why frailty needs vulnerability”

‘Why frailty needs vulnerability- A care ethicial study into the lived experiences of older hospital patients’ at the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands. On May 6th, 2015, Hanneke van der Meide presented her thesis. This study was conducted in the framework of a strategic program called ‘Professional Loving Care’. Continue reading “Why frailty needs vulnerability”