On November 6th 2015 professor Fabienne Brugère of the University of Paris was interviewed by our editor Tessa Smorenburg. Continue reading Brugère: Emotions and Care
Category Archives: Learning Events
Jessica Benjamin: Seen as a demarcation case
The keynote address delivered by Jessica Benjamin during a conference which took place in Utrecht recently, offers an interesting case to reflect about the demarcation of the ethics of care as a discipline (1). Her lecture was based on an in-depth article that is available as a public seminar (2). Continue reading Jessica Benjamin: Seen as a demarcation case
Impression masterclass: Loving care
‘Just be loving’, a member of the Board of Directors of a Dutch hospital wrote on a pile of policy documents. A huge care ethical change program was born: a loving hospital. Continue reading Impression masterclass: Loving care
French care ethics: in a different voice indeed
The Ethics of Care as a Resource for Democracy. This is the title of the lecture delivered by Sandra Laugier (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne; CNRS**, France) at A Night of Philosophy, organized in New York in April. Continue reading French care ethics: in a different voice indeed
What’s in a name?
A care ethics conference experience
At the 1st International Care Ethics (ICE) Observatory, fused with the 16th Nursing Ethics Conference, we, as care ethical scholars, found ourselves being caught in our own world view. Fully endorsing the care ethical lense through which we look, think and teach, we had interpreted the name of this conference automatically as if this would be a conference about Care Ethics (as in: the Ethics of Care). Continue reading What’s in a name?
Interview with Joan Tronto: Dependence, Care & Vulnerability
A research meeting with Joan Tronto was organised at the University for Humanistic Studies (UvH), Utrecht, on 16 January 2015. Tronto is an American political scientist and honorary doctor at UvH. She is well-known for her work on the development of care ethics. Continue reading Interview with Joan Tronto: Dependence, Care & Vulnerability