Category Archives: Learning Events

“Care and Disability” European Journal of Disability Research

For thirty or so years in Anglo-Saxon countries, and more recently in France, the ethics of care[1] (a Human and Social Sciences school of thought) has criticised the idea borne by progressive thinking since the Age of Enlightenment of an autonomous rational being existing within itself (the modern, Cartesian, western subject)[2]. Continue reading “Care and Disability” European Journal of Disability Research

Working conference Ethics of Care, 1-3 November 2012; a brief report of the proceedings

There is no singular European view on the ethics of care, as there are too many differences between views and the development(s) with regard to care ethics varies greatly among countries. Even the question what ‘care’ actually means, does not appear to have  a straightforward answer. Continue reading Working conference Ethics of Care, 1-3 November 2012; a brief report of the proceedings