Between 2014 and 2020, care ethicist Frans Vosman († 2020) wrote several articles in which he explained the need for next steps within care ethics. Some of these were mentioned in our introduction to his article Taking Refuge in the Arts (Vosman, 2016). We now add another article.
Continue reading Through the Eye of the Needle. Next steps for care ethics
More self-reliance, less government? Neoliberalisation in healthcare and social welfare
The Critical Ethics of Care research is interested in the study of the impact of neoliberalism in health care and social welfare. How concepts and ideas circulating in those domains, originate in, are influenced by, or are susceptible to neoliberalism.
Continue reading More self-reliance, less government? Neoliberalisation in healthcare and social welfareRelational Caring and Presence Theory
The newly published book Relational Caring and Presence Theory in Health Care and Social Work: A Care-Ethical Perspective addresses a deep and globally felt dissatisfaction, among citizens in general but also among professionals. Continue reading Relational Caring and Presence Theory
Social inclusion critically reflected
Dr. Stacy Clifford Simplican (senior lecturer at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA) is renowned for her critical reflections on the concepts of social inclusion and participation. We asked her about her views on the thinking of Eva Feder Kittay and Joan Tronto. Continue reading Social inclusion critically reflected
The fragile voices from the work floor. Care-ethical power issues reconsidered
Social worker Silke Jacobi MA considers in the summary of her care-ethical thesis (2019) the possibilities of more impact and (political) participation of the institutional care-worker in an ambiguous neo-liberal context. Continue reading The fragile voices from the work floor. Care-ethical power issues reconsidered
Adding precarity
At the conference of the Care Ethics Reserach Consortium (Portland, September 2018), Brunella Casalini, Associate Professor at the University of Florence, presented a paper: Care of the self and subjectivity in precarious neolilberal societies. Continue reading Adding precarity