What does it mean to offer humanitarian help? In an article, written by James Kennedy, we have recognized a care ethical perspective on those classified as ‘refugees’. Continue reading Humanitarian help for ‘asylum seekers’?
HACKING HABITAT: the art of control
How can humanity survive in a quickly changing high-tech society? At the art manifestation HACKING HABITAT in Utrecht (NL) over 80 international artists and designers show work about the growing influence of systems and institutions, and the impact of technology on everyday life. Continue reading HACKING HABITAT: the art of control
Call for Papers for Conference “Relation, Vulnerability, Love”
From the 15th till the 17th of September 2016 research group Anthropos (Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KU Leuven) will organize a conference on the following theme: Relation, Vulnerability, Love.
Continue reading Call for Papers for Conference “Relation, Vulnerability, Love”
Call for comments! Care Ethics and Geography
Professor Parvati Raghuram (Geography and Migration at the Open University, UK) has written a paper about the Ethics of Care called “Dis-locating care ethics: race, place and geography”. Continue reading Call for comments! Care Ethics and Geography
Son of Saul, a hard movie to watch
None of us, editors of this website, dared to go. The movie Son of Saul, by the Hungarian filmmaker László Nemes, was supposedly too hard to look at. Would we be able to deal with the evil we would be exposed to? In the end I decided to go, some strange desire to find out what I could handle, but also to find out whether I could begin to understand what evil can do to those subjected to it. Continue reading Son of Saul, a hard movie to watch
Refugees in search of hospitality
Europe is currently being confronted with thousands of refugees in search of hospitality. Continue reading Refugees in search of hospitality