‘The completion… Well, the way I want to talk about it is not how care is received, since that makes them, the care receivers, appear to care as passive’.
Eva Fedar Kittay on care as taking up of another’s action. Continue reading The completion of care as taking up of another’s actions as care
The impact of ethical agency
“These meetings were very useful and due to the meetings, I am more able to deal with the moral dimension of my work.” (Participant of a community of practice on ethics) Continue reading The impact of ethical agency
Practical wisdom in health care governance
When it comes to governance in health care, we rely far too much on general principles of good governance. In my dissertation I am looking for ways to understand supervisory practice from the perspective of practical wisdom Continue reading Practical wisdom in health care governance
Caring Cities
Vienna deputy Mayor Maria Vassilakou visited Utrecht (NL) and we interviewed her about Caring Cities. Continue reading Caring Cities
Every school curriculum to include ethics of care
Interview with Sara Brotto. Brotto’s introductory book on Care Ethics (Etica della Cura, una introduzione) was published in 2013. The Italian philosopher Sara Brotto shares her ideas on care ethics with us. Continue reading Every school curriculum to include ethics of care
Welfare in hard times
A striking concern with austerity policies and its consequences for citizens and social workers. That is the central impression I’ve got at the conference, organized by the journal Ethics and Social Welfare, on Sept. 1-2, 2016 in London. Continue reading Welfare in hard times