‘When you lose your self-respect, you’re done’
I, Daniel Blake is a British-French drama film about a 59-year-old skilled craftsman, widowed, living in Newcastle.
Daniel Blake (Dave Johns), is recovering from a severe heart attack. For the first time in his life, he needs help from the State. Continue reading Humiliating benefit systems undermine self-respect
Theorizing legal needs: Towards a caring legal system
A young Canadian care ethicist Benjamin Miller (Ottawa, now Toronto) deals with an issue, relatively undertheorized in care ethics: care and the law. Continue reading Theorizing legal needs: Towards a caring legal system
Ethics and Social Welfare in Hard Times
The organizers of the conference ‘Ethics and Social Welfare in Hard Times’ in London, Sept. 1-2, 2016 have published an evaluation of the results. Continue reading Ethics and Social Welfare in Hard Times
‘New feminism’ in the Age of Trump
Like many people across the U.S., Canada, and around the world, I awoke on November 9, 2016, with a deep sense of sorrow, anger and disbelief. As a Canadian, Trump was not my President Elect; yet somehow his election hit close to home. That morning, I struggled to turn my attention to my main task for the day: Continue reading ‘New feminism’ in the Age of Trump
‘Either Care or Rights’ won’t do: Moving Beyond the Rights-Care Split
In this article Nalinie Mooten calls for adjustments along the lines of care and justice constitutive of a moral shift that reinforces the under-scrutinized links between them. Overall, it will attempt to break down the binary oppositions between care and justice, which is deemed detrimental to the thickness of morality. Continue reading ‘Either Care or Rights’ won’t do: Moving Beyond the Rights-Care Split
De-radicalization of inmates by artist and imam
Under Pressure is a short, realistic, not-idealized documentary about de-radicalization of ISIS fighters returning from Syria. In the juvenile prison of Wiesbaden (Germany) there are over 300 inmates. The majority of them are Muslims, whose parents and/or grandparents migrated to Germany. Continue reading De-radicalization of inmates by artist and imam