A young Canadian care ethicist Benjamin Miller (Ottawa, now Toronto) deals with an issue, relatively undertheorized in care ethics: care and the law. Continue reading Theorizing legal needs: Towards a caring legal system
Toward a Postcolonial Ethics of Care
In this article Nalinie Mooten seeks to interlink the feminist ethics of care with postcolonial insights in International Relations theory (IR) in order to develop the premise of a ‘postcolonial ethics of care’.
The full article can be found here
This article has been published on academia.edu
‘New feminism’ in the Age of Trump
Like many people across the U.S., Canada, and around the world, I awoke on November 9, 2016, with a deep sense of sorrow, anger and disbelief. As a Canadian, Trump was not my President Elect; yet somehow his election hit close to home. That morning, I struggled to turn my attention to my main task for the day: Continue reading ‘New feminism’ in the Age of Trump
Dancing for peace
In August 2016, the Dutch TV programme Nieuwsuur aired a report by Roozbeh Kaboly (TV journalist and producer for Dutch National Television) about a 26-year-old dancer. While millions of Syrians had fled their war-torn country, Ahmad Joudeh was one of those who had to stay behind because he was, as he explained, too poor to escape the war.
Continue reading Dancing for peace
De-radicalization of inmates by artist and imam
Under Pressure is a short, realistic, not-idealized documentary about de-radicalization of ISIS fighters returning from Syria. In the juvenile prison of Wiesbaden (Germany) there are over 300 inmates. The majority of them are Muslims, whose parents and/or grandparents migrated to Germany. Continue reading De-radicalization of inmates by artist and imam
Exposure to patients life worlds require reflective strategies
Exposure and then…..
Care ethics on exposure to patients life worlds and the reflective
strategies to get beyond exposure.
A Report on a seminar of researchers and care professionals in Flanders, Belgium, Sept. 2016 Continue reading Exposure to patients life worlds require reflective strategies