‘Why care’ was the title of a symposium organised by ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry (July 2018) and Lisa Baraitser, author of Enduring time (published November 2017), was one of the academics who presented her thinking. Lisa Baraitser is professor of Psychosocial Theory in the Department of Psychosocial Studies at Birkbeck, University of London Continue reading The permanence of non-sovereignty in our relations with others
A 21st-Century Burning Issue: Doughnut Economics
Over time, perception has shifted of what economics ought to represent and how it should be applied. In Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economics, a new paradigm is presented, meant to replace the prevailing neoclassical one. An introduction to this worldwide influential book and its background: could it be of interest to care ethics? Continue reading A 21st-Century Burning Issue: Doughnut Economics
The necessity of critique of the critique
Care ethics, originating from feminist theory, started off as a critical approach of what was (and is) perceived as a male oriented (neo)Kantian ethic, that relies on generalization of rules. Since then, care ethics has developed its own critical insights (into relationality etc.). Yet it has its weaknesses Continue reading The necessity of critique of the critique
Care ethics and empathy: a complicated relationship
A controversial topic
Some time ago, I presented a paper on empathy at a review seminar. A colleague and fellow care ethicist asked me: ‘Why would one assume that empathy is of interest to the field of care ethics at all? Continue reading Care ethics and empathy: a complicated relationship
Social Work Practice
The Journal Ethics and Social Welfare calls for papers for a special issue on Ethical Conflicts in Social Work Practice: Challenges and Opportunities. Continue reading Social Work Practice
An immersion in a care ethics lab
Does an immersion in a so called sTimul care ethics lab provide nursing students with insights into dimensions of empathy? Trees Coucke, participant of the research group Critical Ethics of Care, gives insight into her PhD research. Continue reading An immersion in a care ethics lab