The 20th H e n r i N o u w e n Lecture: Care as essential human condition by Stephan Posner, December 1st, 2018, Utrecht (see the flyer), was preceded by an introduction by Barbara Zwaan. Continue reading An Unexpected Party
Beyond Neoliberalism’s final terms: ‘Only one can live’ – Jessica Benjamin in Trump times
Review of Jessica Benjamin: Beyond Doer and Done To – Recognition Theory, Intersubjectivity and the Third, Routledge, London, New York, 2018. Continue reading Beyond Neoliberalism’s final terms: ‘Only one can live’ – Jessica Benjamin in Trump times
Care Ethics and Political Repair
Being lecturer at the political theory department of the University of Osnabrück, Germany, Jorma Heier looks at Political Repair. The ethics of care helps to understand its importance. Jorma Heier explains why and how Continue reading Care Ethics and Political Repair
Contested care – how to approach it in a care-ethical way?
German, Canadian and Dutch academic teachers and students came together in a workshop on care ethics which was organized at the university of Vechta (Germany) on June 15, 2018. Continue reading Contested care – how to approach it in a care-ethical way?
Carnival of the Oppressed Feelings
On 28 October 2017, a colourful and artistic protest walked through the streets of Amsterdam The Carnival of the Oppressed Feelings. This performative demonstration was initiated by the Russian artist Gluklya (Natalia Pershina-Jakimanskaya) and produced by TAAK (NL). Continue reading Carnival of the Oppressed Feelings
In search of quality
This review of The discovery of quality. Theory and practice of relational caring, the latest book of professor Andries Baart, appeared in the December issue of Optentia News Letter (North West University South Africa). Continue reading In search of quality