Which lives should we save in corona times

Kantians and Utilitarians hold opposing views in the debate during this corona crisis. They thrive on each other’s weaknesses. Yet these two common ethical “schools” fall short in providing answers, says ethicist Frits de Lange. He makes a plea for consulting the ethics of care.

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Looking at a cuckoo’s egg: Aspects of the corona-crisis in a Dutch context

Corona-crisis: is this a time for reflections on political consequences of this crisis, such as ‘lessons learned’? Or is it a time when the suffering and anxiety of many come so close to home that any kind of reflection could easily take the shape of a shortcut to new and ‘better principles for the world’?

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We should also discuss quality of life

The Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte keeps tellings us: what we do or don’t do in our care system is fully motivated by safety reasons from beginning to end: ‘It is better to be safe than sorry.’ Then again, is safety the only valid criterion left when discussing what care should look like in times of Corona? Haven’t we got anything better?

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Girl, The everyday struggle of a transgender

The Belgian film Girl (Lukas Dhont, 2018) shares the intimate life of a fifteen year old girl named Lara. She dances at a renowned ballet academy in Belgium, and she hopes to fulfil her dream of becoming a professional ballerina. The film opens with her admission interview, wherein it is explained that she will be granted a trial period – because Lara isn’t just any girl, she is a transgender girl, born male.

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