For a humanist counsellor, providing spiritual care in prison since the onset of the pandemic has become both more challenging and more rewarding than before. Following the new rules, Ellen van der Weerd does her utmost to deliver good care. Continue reading Caught in Covid
Category Archives: News
News, announcements and updates can be found here.
Searching for the good. Dedicated professionals between complexity and scarcity.
November 8th, a special masterclass about normative professionalism is being organized bij the research network of the foundation Critical Ethics of Care. Continue reading Searching for the good. Dedicated professionals between complexity and scarcity.
Call for papers: Care, caring and the global COVID-19 pandemic
The International Journal of Care and Caring (Bristol University Press) invites scholars around the world to prepare papers based on new research or scholarly reflection on experience of the pandemic. Continue reading Call for papers: Care, caring and the global COVID-19 pandemic
Second European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Leuven 6 – 9 February, 2018
The conference theme is Nomadic Inquiry: Continue reading Second European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
Ethical relations to the past; call for papers
‘Ethics and social welfare’ is planning a special issue: Ethical relations to the past; individual, institutional, international. Deadline for abstract (300 words): 10 August 2020
Continue reading Ethical relations to the past; call for papers
Care ethics shares points of tension with critical posthumanism
What my corpus of novels and short stories exposes and bring into focus is thus an “accountable posthumanism … that can embrace multiplicity and partial perspective, a posthumanism that is not threatened by others”. Dominique Hétu explains Continue reading Care ethics shares points of tension with critical posthumanism