
The relevance of critical insights of postcolonial theory

Care theory started out as a critical epistemology that added a different, a female voice to morality. As a political ethics, care theory has moreover turned its attention to political practices and institutions that beget inequality and power asymmetries through political practices of gendering and racializing, and thereby devaluing and marginalizing, care work and carers. Continue reading The relevance of critical insights of postcolonial theory

Critical Ethics of Care in Social Work

This book, a collection of articles on critical ethics of care and social work, is worthwhile reading for all who wish a better understanding of social work and its political importance. This political importance is unveiled by investigating social work practices from a ethics of care perspective, thus also showing the political nature of a critical ethics of care. Continue reading Critical Ethics of Care in Social Work

Biebricher on neoliberalism

Is caring indeed establishing the very possibility to live together in a humane way? As care ethics has reflected on the presuppositions of a caring democracy it often has confronted neoliberalism, with its emphasis on the market instead of the state, as the hindrance par excellence to a caring well ordered society (e.g. Tronto,Barnes; in a different way Brugère). Continue reading Biebricher on neoliberalism