
Joris Luyendijk meets Barbara Ehrenreich

Joris Luyendijk speaks with the American writer and journalist Barbara Ehrenreich on her life and work. A continuous theme in Ehrenreich’s work is the deceit (or myth) of the American dream. Recurring, urgent themes in her work are the labour market, health care, poverty and the position of women.. During an in-depth conversation Luyendijk and Ehrenreich will speak on Ehrenreich’s personal motives and journalistic choices, accompanied by images and clips from her life and work.

Co-organizer The Erasmus Prize Foundation awarded Barbara Ehrenreich with the Erasmus Prize 2018

The relevance of critical insights of postcolonial theory

Care theory started out as a critical epistemology that added a different, a female voice to morality. As a political ethics, care theory has moreover turned its attention to political practices and institutions that beget inequality and power asymmetries through political practices of gendering and racializing, and thereby devaluing and marginalizing, care work and carers. Continue reading The relevance of critical insights of postcolonial theory

Political Repair in relation to Tronto’s political ethics of care

Political ethics, even strands professing to an expressive-collaborative model of morality, still assume that there is a common moral community with a set of shared default understandings, which are divested of public deliberation. Authors of the political difference between the political and apolitical politics propose a shift which puts the political struggle over whether there is a common community with common understandings center stage. Continue reading Political Repair in relation to Tronto’s political ethics of care