Interview with Kanchana Mahadevan, professor of philosophy in Mumbai. Marieke Potma visited her in India. Mahadevan’s research focuses on ethics of care, feminist philosophy and socio-political philosophy. “The ethics of care offers an alternative to Eurocentric notions of self-sufficiency and planned rationality.” Continue reading Care ethics and social vulnerability in India
Brugère: Emotions and Care
On November 6th 2015 professor Fabienne Brugère of the University of Paris was interviewed by our editor Tessa Smorenburg. Continue reading Brugère: Emotions and Care
French care ethics: in a different voice indeed
The Ethics of Care as a Resource for Democracy. This is the title of the lecture delivered by Sandra Laugier (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne; CNRS**, France) at A Night of Philosophy, organized in New York in April. Continue reading French care ethics: in a different voice indeed