Carol Gilligan is well-known for her book In a Different Voice that was of major importance for our understanding of moral as well as gender development. Her book Joining the resistance (2011) developed these ideas further in order to enable a more humane way of thinking about personal and political relationships. Continue reading Carol Gilligan: Joining the resistance
Marian Verkerk
Interview on October 6th, 2013 Continue reading Marian Verkerk
Lecture Etienne Wenger: Learning in practices
The Utrecht ethics of care group concentrates on practices of care, as a source of knowledge and what ‘learning while doing’ is about. Etienne Wenger is one of our sources of intellectual inspiration with regard to the concept of practice and what learning in practices is about. Continue reading Lecture Etienne Wenger: Learning in practices
Joan Tronto, Caring Democracy. Markets, equality and Justice
The long awaited new book of Joan Tronto was released on April 12th, 2013. Continue reading Joan Tronto, Caring Democracy. Markets, equality and Justice
Interview with Inge van Nistelrooij about (self)sacrifice
Inge van Nistelrooij will defend her PhD-thesis on ‘Sacrifice. A care-ethical reappraisal of sacrifice and self-sacrifice’ at the University of Humanistic Studies (Utrecht, the Netherlands) on January 15, 2014. What made her choose this subject, how did her research unfold, and what were the most striking outcomes?
Continue reading Interview with Inge van Nistelrooij about (self)sacrifice
“Care and Disability” European Journal of Disability Research
For thirty or so years in Anglo-Saxon countries, and more recently in France, the ethics of care[1] (a Human and Social Sciences school of thought) has criticised the idea borne by progressive thinking since the Age of Enlightenment of an autonomous rational being existing within itself (the modern, Cartesian, western subject)[2]. Continue reading “Care and Disability” European Journal of Disability Research