The Ethics of Care as a Resource for Democracy. This is the title of the lecture delivered by Sandra Laugier (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne; CNRS**, France) at A Night of Philosophy, organized in New York in April. Continue reading French care ethics: in a different voice indeed
Alistair Niemeijer about his PhD thesis ‘Surveilling Autonomy, Securing Care’
Surveillance technologies (ST) such as video surveillance, GPS tags and movement sensors are increasingly being used in residential care for vulnerable people, even though they raise various concerns. What does morally good care with surveillance technologies entail? Continue reading Alistair Niemeijer about his PhD thesis ‘Surveilling Autonomy, Securing Care’
Vulnerability: Book review by Joan Tronto
Prof. Joan Tronto, well-known for her contribution to care ethics, reviewed a book on vulnerability. The book titled ‘Vulnerability: New Essays in Ethics and Feminist Philosophy’ was edited by Catriona Mackenzie, Wendy Rogers, and Susan Dodds. Continue reading Vulnerability: Book review by Joan Tronto
Tomorrow is uncertain
In their seemingly simple film Deux jours, une nuit (2014) and in sharp sunlight the Dardenne brothers show a young woman fighting for her job: Sandra. Continue reading Tomorrow is uncertain
Interview with Joan Tronto: Dependence, Care & Vulnerability
A research meeting with Joan Tronto was organised at the University for Humanistic Studies (UvH), Utrecht, on 16 January 2015. Tronto is an American political scientist and honorary doctor at UvH. She is well-known for her work on the development of care ethics. Continue reading Interview with Joan Tronto: Dependence, Care & Vulnerability
In the name of…
The film takes us to the countryside. We see boys at some kind of correctional institute learning how to lead a well-organised life. Their solidarity is extreme. Continue reading In the name of…