Participation, Care and Support

The research group Participation, Care and Support is part of the Research Centre for Social Innovation of Utrecht University for Applied Sciences. This is a transdisciplinary research centre, doing practice based research focused on relevant social issues, connecting different fields like social work, care, law, employment, policy and organisation. In the centre, around 125 researchers are active Continue reading Participation, Care and Support

Strangers in their own land

Laurine Blonk & Ellen Grootegoed reviewed Hochschild’s book “Strangers in their own land”.
Nominated for the American ‘National Book Award for non-fiction’ after its publication in 2016, sociologist Arlie Hochschild’s latest book Strangers in their own lands. Anger and mourning on the American right is a must-read for everyone who feels estranged after the recent victories of right-wing politics.  Continue reading Strangers in their own land

Dance, Embodiment and Education

In April, webteam member Tessa Smorenburg interviewed Roma Koolen of dance collective MAN || CO and Joosje Slot, a student of Anthropology (University of Amsterdam), in Amsterdam. What follows is their discussion on the value of art and embodied practices, and ends with a criticism of our education system, which promotes exclusion. Continue reading Dance, Embodiment and Education