Biebricher on neoliberalism

Is caring indeed establishing the very possibility to live together in a humane way? As care ethics has reflected on the presuppositions of a caring democracy it often has confronted neoliberalism, with its emphasis on the market instead of the state, as the hindrance par excellence to a caring well ordered society (e.g. Tronto,Barnes; in a different way Brugère). Continue reading Biebricher on neoliberalism

Dance, Embodiment and Education

In April, webteam member Tessa Smorenburg interviewed Roma Koolen of dance collective MAN || CO and Joosje Slot, a student of Anthropology (University of Amsterdam), in Amsterdam. What follows is their discussion on the value of art and embodied practices, and ends with a criticism of our education system, which promotes exclusion. Continue reading Dance, Embodiment and Education

The many faces of neoliberalism – repost

Neoliberalism, unexpectedly and unavoidably, has many faces. On June 15 Thomas Biebricher, (professor in political theory and philosophy at Goethe University, Frankfurt a.M., Germany) will present his thoughts on the many faces of neoliberalism. He does so on the invitation of the Foundation Critical Ethics of Care and his presentation will take place at VU Amsterdam.  Prof. dr. Andries Baart and prof. dr. Govert Buijs will respond to his lecture. Some of Biebricher’s key articles have been translated into Dutch and a book with a collection of articles will become available on june 15. See our calendar for more information