Strangers in their own land

Laurine Blonk & Ellen Grootegoed reviewed Hochschild’s book “Strangers in their own land”.
Nominated for the American ‘National Book Award for non-fiction’ after its publication in 2016, sociologist Arlie Hochschild’s latest book Strangers in their own lands. Anger and mourning on the American right is a must-read for everyone who feels estranged after the recent victories of right-wing politics.  Continue reading Strangers in their own land

Dance, Embodiment and Education

In April, webteam member Tessa Smorenburg interviewed Roma Koolen of dance collective MAN || CO and Joosje Slot, a student of Anthropology (University of Amsterdam), in Amsterdam. What follows is their discussion on the value of art and embodied practices, and ends with a criticism of our education system, which promotes exclusion. Continue reading Dance, Embodiment and Education

Biebricher on neoliberalism

Is caring indeed establishing the very possibility to live together in a humane way? As care ethics has reflected on the presuppositions of a caring democracy it often has confronted neoliberalism, with its emphasis on the market instead of the state, as the hindrance par excellence to a caring well ordered society (e.g. Tronto,Barnes; in a different way Brugère). Continue reading Biebricher on neoliberalism