Category Archives: Academic Exchange

Lecture: ‘Bodily and Social Vulnerability: a phenomenological perspective on the practice of care’

On 26 November 2014 prof. Christina Schües (Professor at the Institute for the History of Medicine and Science Research, University of Lübeck, Germany) held a lecture entitled ‘Bodily and Social Vulnerability: a phenomenological perspective on the practice of care’ . Continue reading Lecture: ‘Bodily and Social Vulnerability: a phenomenological perspective on the practice of care’

Lecture: ‘Ethics as a Politics of the Ordinary’

On 5 November 2014 prof. Sandra Laugier (University of Paris I and Scientific Deputy Director at the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (INSHS) at the French National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris, France) held a lecture entitled ‘Emotions as constituents for an ethics of care’ . Continue reading Lecture: ‘Ethics as a Politics of the Ordinary’

Lecture: ‘Bioethics and conflicts of care in the hospital arena’

On 19 November 2014 prof. Helen Kohlen (Professor of care policy at Philosophical-Theological University of Vallendar/Koblenz and Adjunct Professor at the University of Alberta) held a lecture entitled ‘Bioethics and conflicts of care in the hospital arena – How care ethics can (not) serve nursing issues’ .  Continue reading Lecture: ‘Bioethics and conflicts of care in the hospital arena’