From this perspective, it becomes easier to see that people who voted for Trump did so, in part, because they thought their needs for care were being ignored.
Part II of a series of care ethical comments on the US elections. Continue reading The meaning of Trump’s election for caring democracy?
HACKING HABITAT: the art of control
How can humanity survive in a quickly changing high-tech society? At the art manifestation HACKING HABITAT in Utrecht (NL) over 80 international artists and designers show work about the growing influence of systems and institutions, and the impact of technology on everyday life. Continue reading HACKING HABITAT: the art of control
Ethics of care at Frankfurter Buchmesse!
New book on care ethics
A collection of articles by European care ethicists just came out, published in German by Campus Verlag / Frankfurt am Main:
Elisabeth Conradi, Frans Vosman. Praxis der Achtsamkeit. Schlüsselbegriffe der Care-Ethik
Care ethics and social vulnerability in India
Interview with Kanchana Mahadevan, professor of philosophy in Mumbai. Marieke Potma visited her in India. Mahadevan’s research focuses on ethics of care, feminist philosophy and socio-political philosophy. “The ethics of care offers an alternative to Eurocentric notions of self-sufficiency and planned rationality.” Continue reading Care ethics and social vulnerability in India
Call for Abstracts for seminar ‘Care and Counselling as Social Action. Interreligious Cooperation in Urban Migration Contexts’
You are invited to participate in the poster session of the Seminar ‘Care and Counselling as Social Action. Interreligious Cooperation in Urban Migration Contexts’.
Please submit your abstract until 30 June, 2016 and don’t forget to register. Continue reading Call for Abstracts for seminar ‘Care and Counselling as Social Action. Interreligious Cooperation in Urban Migration Contexts’
Brugère: Emotions and Care
On November 6th 2015 professor Fabienne Brugère of the University of Paris was interviewed by our editor Tessa Smorenburg. Continue reading Brugère: Emotions and Care