Joker (2019) is not an ordinary superhero film. Rather than reinforcing the familiar dualism of the previous Batman films, Joker breaks down the hero/villain paradigm and replaces it with something more multifaceted and uncomfortable.
Continue reading Joker; When Tragedy becomes Comedyart
Perception, an Art?!
On April 17th 2018, professor Andries Baart (NL) gave a lecture about how the Arts can contribute to a better perception of care (practices).
Continue reading Perception, an Art?!
REALITY, artistic research on ‘losing grip on reality’
In 2016, the Dutch artist Yasmijn Karhof spent three months as artist-in-residence in the psychiatric ward at Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn NYC (USA). Integral to her artistic practice is the expression of the subjective experience of reality in a visual context.
Continue reading REALITY, artistic research on ‘losing grip on reality’
Care Ethics and Precarity; a precarious notion
On September the 28th and 29th, in Portland (Oregon, USA), the Care Ethics Research Consortium (CERC) , initiated by Joan Tronto and Carlo Leget, organised its inaugural conference entitled –Care Ethics and Precarity– at the Portland State University. Continue reading Care Ethics and Precarity; a precarious notion
Carnival of the Oppressed Feelings
On 28 October 2017, a colourful and artistic protest walked through the streets of Amsterdam The Carnival of the Oppressed Feelings. This performative demonstration was initiated by the Russian artist Gluklya (Natalia Pershina-Jakimanskaya) and produced by TAAK (NL). Continue reading Carnival of the Oppressed Feelings
‘A place gets a face’ – Agnes Varda’s attentive compassion with the social
The French movie Faces, Places (‘Visages, villages’ – 2017) by Agnes Varda, well known for her films co-setting the trend for the Nouvelle Vague, and by JR, a young and enigmatic photographer and street artist, is a many layered documentary that makes you wake up with a smile in the morning. Continue reading ‘A place gets a face’ – Agnes Varda’s attentive compassion with the social