In corona times phone or video calls have taken over face-to-face conversations. In the Dutch Journal Healthcare & Ethics, Tessa Smorenburg wrote the article The boundaries of digital care according to ‘Her’. Continue reading The Boundaries of Digital Care According to ‘Her’
Carnival of the Oppressed Feelings
On 28 October 2017, a colourful and artistic protest walked through the streets of Amsterdam The Carnival of the Oppressed Feelings. This performative demonstration was initiated by the Russian artist Gluklya (Natalia Pershina-Jakimanskaya) and produced by TAAK (NL). Continue reading Carnival of the Oppressed Feelings
Joker; When Tragedy becomes Comedy
Joker (2019) is not an ordinary superhero film. Rather than reinforcing the familiar dualism of the previous Batman films, Joker breaks down the hero/villain paradigm and replaces it with something more multifaceted and uncomfortable.
Continue reading Joker; When Tragedy becomes ComedyPerception, an Art?!
On April 17th 2018, professor Andries Baart (NL) gave a lecture about how the Arts can contribute to a better perception of care (practices).
Continue reading Perception, an Art?!
REALITY, artistic research on ‘losing grip on reality’
In 2016, the Dutch artist Yasmijn Karhof spent three months as artist-in-residence in the psychiatric ward at Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn NYC (USA). Integral to her artistic practice is the expression of the subjective experience of reality in a visual context.
Continue reading REALITY, artistic research on ‘losing grip on reality’
Care Ethics and Precarity; a precarious notion
On September the 28th and 29th, in Portland (Oregon, USA), the Care Ethics Research Consortium (CERC) , initiated by Joan Tronto and Carlo Leget, organised its inaugural conference entitled –Care Ethics and Precarity– at the Portland State University. Continue reading Care Ethics and Precarity; a precarious notion