Searching for the good. Dedicated professionals between complexity and scarcity.

November 8th, a special masterclass about normative professionalism is being organized bij the research network of the foundation Critical Ethics of Care.Normative professionalism is a concept developed by, among others, Harry Kunneman and Andries Baart. It is a helpful concept to understand what professionalism is all about and to think about what drives the professional in a complex world. The latest insights are presented by professor Gaby Jacobs of the University of Humanistic Studies, lecturer and researcher Mariƫl Kanne and care ethics consultant and researcher Michael Kolen.

Dedicated professionals who experience dilemmas in their work and sometimes feel stuck in the middle between complexity and scarcity are cordially invited to attend. The masterclass offers new insights for their work
For the flyer, in Dutch, see the link.

About the author: Webteam

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