On June 18, 2020 during an international Zoomsession, Professor Andries Baart spoke the words as quoted below.
Continue reading Personal memories of Frans Vosman (1952-2020)
Anyone wishing to respond to the passing of Frans Vosman and his meaning for care ethics, is cordially invited to share her or his contribution on our website.
Call for papers: Care, caring and the global COVID-19 pandemic
The International Journal of Care and Caring (Bristol University Press) invites scholars around the world to prepare papers based on new research or scholarly reflection on experience of the pandemic. Continue reading Call for papers: Care, caring and the global COVID-19 pandemic
Social Distancing
We speak of social distancing, yet of course that is not what is really going on. The transmission of the corona virus is being slowed down – or so experts are telling us and why would we not believe them? – by a package of measures being imposed upon us:
Continue reading Social DistancingFrans Vosman (1952-2020)
Frans Vosman passed away June 10, 2020 after a strenuous illness.
Ethical relations to the past; call for papers
‘Ethics and social welfare’ is planning a special issue: Ethical relations to the past; individual, institutional, international. Deadline for abstract (300 words): 10 August 2020
Continue reading Ethical relations to the past; call for papers