Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Leuven 6 – 9 February, 2018
The conference theme is Nomadic Inquiry: Continue reading Second European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
Category Archives: News
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The many faces of neoliberalism – repost
Neoliberalism, unexpectedly and unavoidably, has many faces. On June 15 Thomas Biebricher, (professor in political theory and philosophy at Goethe University, Frankfurt a.M., Germany) will present his thoughts on the many faces of neoliberalism. He does so on the invitation of the Foundation Critical Ethics of Care and his presentation will take place at VU Amsterdam. Prof. dr. Andries Baart and prof. dr. Govert Buijs will respond to his lecture. Some of Biebricher’s key articles have been translated into Dutch and a book with a collection of articles will become available on june 15. See our calendar for more information
Care ethics shares points of tension with critical posthumanism
What my corpus of novels and short stories exposes and bring into focus is thus an “accountable posthumanism … that can embrace multiplicity and partial perspective, a posthumanism that is not threatened by others”. Dominique Hétu explains Continue reading Care ethics shares points of tension with critical posthumanism
The many faces of neoliberalism
Neoliberalism, unexpectedly and unavoidably, has many faces. On June 15 Thomas Biebricher, (professor in political theory and philosophy at Goethe University, Frankfurt a.M., Germany) will present his thoughts on the many faces of neoliberalism. He does so on the invitation of the Foundation Critical Ethics of Care and his presentation will take place at VU Amsterdam. Prof. dr. Andries Baart and prof. dr. Govert Buijs will respond to his lecture. Some of Biebricher’s key articles have been translated into Dutch and a book with a collection of articles will become available on june 15. See our calendar for more information
Caring democracy: Current Topics in the Political Theory of Care
Conference November 23-24, Prague
Keynote speaker at this conference is Joan Tronto (University of Minnesota, USA).
The aim of the conference is to elaborate on Tronto’s invitation to rethink the very substance of democracy from the care perspective. Continue reading Caring democracy: Current Topics in the Political Theory of Care
Master class “Practical wisdom beyond rule obedience”
This master class is relevant to professionals in the fields of care, social work and education, especially for those who just sensibly do what they think that has to be done, and become tired of the way they have to explain it and account for it. The spoken language is Dutch. More information here