“These meetings were very useful and due to the meetings, I am more able to deal with the moral dimension of my work.” (Participant of a community of practice on ethics) Continue reading The impact of ethical agency
Category Archives: Network
Care ethics and social vulnerability in India
Interview with Kanchana Mahadevan, professor of philosophy in Mumbai. Marieke Potma visited her in India. Mahadevan’s research focuses on ethics of care, feminist philosophy and socio-political philosophy. “The ethics of care offers an alternative to Eurocentric notions of self-sufficiency and planned rationality.” Continue reading Care ethics and social vulnerability in India
Humanitarian help for ‘asylum seekers’?
What does it mean to offer humanitarian help? In an article, written by James Kennedy, we have recognized a care ethical perspective on those classified as ‘refugees’. Continue reading Humanitarian help for ‘asylum seekers’?
Choreography and Ethics of Care…
Short interview with choreographer Hamish MacPherson, during the Graduate School Research Network seminar ‘Care Ethics and the Body’, by the Care Ethics Group of the University of Humanistic Studies. Continue reading Choreography and Ethics of Care…
Refugees in search of hospitality
Europe is currently being confronted with thousands of refugees in search of hospitality. Continue reading Refugees in search of hospitality
Helena Olofsdotter Stensöta
December 2015. An interview with Helena Olofsdotter Stensöta, associate professor and senior lecturer. Her research focuses on gender, ethics, public policy and administration. “A public ethics of care: bringing ethics of care into public ethics research.” Continue reading Helena Olofsdotter Stensöta