Prof. Joan Tronto, well-known for her contribution to care ethics, reviewed a book on vulnerability. The book titled ‘Vulnerability: New Essays in Ethics and Feminist Philosophy’ was edited by Catriona Mackenzie, Wendy Rogers, and Susan Dodds. Continue reading Vulnerability: Book review by Joan Tronto
Author: Webteam
Sophie Bourgault
Interview on September 15th, 2014 Continue reading Sophie Bourgault
Interview with Joan Tronto: Dependence, Care & Vulnerability
A research meeting with Joan Tronto was organised at the University for Humanistic Studies (UvH), Utrecht, on 16 January 2015. Tronto is an American political scientist and honorary doctor at UvH. She is well-known for her work on the development of care ethics. Continue reading Interview with Joan Tronto: Dependence, Care & Vulnerability
Lectures by Carol Gilligan on Feminist Ethics of Care
Carol Gilligan is a famous American ethicist, feminist and psychologist. Her book In a Different Voice on moral development and ethical relationships was a stepping stone for the development of care ethics. Continue reading Lectures by Carol Gilligan on Feminist Ethics of Care
Practice Theories Conference 2014
On September 24th and 25th 2014 the Graduate School of the University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, the Netherlands presented a two-day conference on Practice Theories entitled ‘An Inquiry into theories of practice: Rethinking actors, materiality and organisations’. Continue reading Practice Theories Conference 2014
Book launch: “The Subject of Rosi Braidotti”, 17 October 2014
To celebrate the publication of the book “The subject of Rosi Braidotti”, edited by Bolette Blaagaard and Iris van der Tuin, there will be a book launch organised in London on 17 October 2014. Continue reading Book launch: “The Subject of Rosi Braidotti”, 17 October 2014