Category Archives: Academic Exchange

Interview Kari Greenswag

Kari Greenswag (Los Angeles, USA) has finished her PhD at the department of Philosophy of the University of Sydney (Australia) in 2016. Her doctoral thesis is called “Globalizing the Ethics of Care: Policy, Transformation, and Judgment”. The burning issues she examines in her thesis are the increasing inequality in the world, the continued marginalization of women, and more broadly the growing crisis of care. Greenswag argues that the ethics of care should be considered an important lens through which to view complex international moral and political contexts. Continue reading Interview Kari Greenswag

Relational responsibility : a matter of care towards past and future

In Relationale Verantwortung (2016), Jorma Heier reexamines and enriches the care ethical concept of relational responsibility to reframe the political entanglement of harmful structural actions of citizens and institutions in the global North that bear down upon the conditions and migrations of people in the global South.  Continue reading Relational responsibility : a matter of care towards past and future