While presenting a short outline in his discussion of Fabienne Brugère’s book Care Ethics. The Introduction of Care as Political Category, editor Sylwin Cornielje elaborates also two themes that Brugère leaves open, as he believes these matters necessarily need to be clarified in order for care to become a convincing ground for political ethics in late modern society. Continue reading Care as a political category
Operation Disturbance: Questioning Cleft Lip and Jaw Corrections
In this blog Ella Hillström questions the axiomatic corrections of the lip and jaw cleft she and her sister were born with. Continue reading Operation Disturbance: Questioning Cleft Lip and Jaw Corrections
Care Ethics, Democratic Citizenship and the State
The collection of articles in Care Ethics, Democratic Citizenship and the State invites reflection on how to think about the democratic caring state within different contexts globally. In this article editors Lizzie Ward and Petr Urban present the publication.
Continue reading Care Ethics, Democratic Citizenship and the State
Care, Class and Singularistic Morality in Late Modernity
In his master’s thesis, Sylwin Gilles Cornielje has taken up care-ethicist Frans Vosman’s reflections on self-realisation as a class-bound normative ideal. Continue reading Care, Class and Singularistic Morality in Late Modernity
Care Ethics, Democratic Citizenship and the State
A public book launch/webinar with four presentations by the book contributors including Joan Tronto.
The virtual book launch/webinar takes place on Zoom on Thursday, October 15 from 3pm to 4.30pm CEST (Prague/Bratislava time). The program includes an opening presentation of the book followed by four short talks by authors who contributed to the volume: Joan Tronto, Jorma Heier, Kanchana Mahadevan and Sophie Bourgault. The speakers will link the arguments of their chapters to current important political/social issues. Any attendee will have a chance to participate in the closing discussion.
More information and free registration here
In A Different Voice: Act Two
In 2018, Carol Gilligan revitalized her In a Different Voice with two co-authored books about the persistence of patriarchy locking out democracy and relational care. Continue reading In A Different Voice: Act Two