
PhD workshop by Joan Tronto – Care in Neoliberal, Nordic welfare states

The Nordic welfare states are usually assigned the status of gender equal states, where full time paid work can be combined with motherhood (and daughterhood). This has been based upon large parts of care as a responsibility of the state and professionalization of care for pre-school children, sick and elderly. However, decades of neo-liberalism in terms of marketization, self-responsibilizing and increasing reliance on volunteering have had effects upon welfare professionals and those traditionally considered vulnerable. Tronto will address how care is affected and how these changes relate to a what some have seen as a change in the relationship between productive and reproductive work i.e. as the predominance of a new form of capitalism, a financialized capitalism.

More information about venue and program you find here

Registration click here – 10th December 2018 at the latest. Participants must include abstract upon registration if they wish to present a paper.

Deadline: Papers must be sent no later 2nd of January to PhD Coordinator Julie Skjold Omdal

Masterclass Neoliberalism in care: An impression

How to recognize the many faces of neoliberalism? That was the central question of the third masterclass of The Dutch foundation Critical Ethics of Care, which was entitled: ‘More self-reliance and less government? Neoliberalism in care, welfare and education’. Professionals representing a cross section of the care sector compiled an audience to four speakers, who each in-turn gave their perspective on the phenomenon of neoliberalism in care. Continue reading Masterclass Neoliberalism in care: An impression

Biebricher on neoliberalism

Is caring indeed establishing the very possibility to live together in a humane way? As care ethics has reflected on the presuppositions of a caring democracy it often has confronted neoliberalism, with its emphasis on the market instead of the state, as the hindrance par excellence to a caring well ordered society (e.g. Tronto,Barnes; in a different way Brugère). Continue reading Biebricher on neoliberalism

The many faces of neoliberalism – repost

Neoliberalism, unexpectedly and unavoidably, has many faces. On June 15 Thomas Biebricher, (professor in political theory and philosophy at Goethe University, Frankfurt a.M., Germany) will present his thoughts on the many faces of neoliberalism. He does so on the invitation of the Foundation Critical Ethics of Care and his presentation will take place at VU Amsterdam.  Prof. dr. Andries Baart and prof. dr. Govert Buijs will respond to his lecture. Some of Biebricher’s key articles have been translated into Dutch and a book with a collection of articles will become available on june 15. See our calendar for more information