
Everyday interaction between youths with a mild intellectual disability and the attending care professionals examined

In his PhD research, conducted between 2011 and 2017, Michael Kolen examines the everyday interaction between youths with a mild intellectual disability (hereafter: MID) and the attending care professionals. This article provides a summary of the research report, which is in Dutch and can be accessed through http://hdl.handle.net/11439/2932 . You can read  this summary in Dutch and German here, Continue reading Everyday interaction between youths with a mild intellectual disability and the attending care professionals examined

Empirically grounded ethics of care

Ethics of care – with its emphasis on care instead of fairness, relationships instead of rules, conflicting responsibilities instead of competing rights, contextual and narrative thinking instead of formal and abstract thinking – originates in the empirical research of Carol Gilligan and her co-workers. Continue reading Empirically grounded ethics of care