On November 2, the Dutch foundation Critical Ethics of Care organises its third masterclass, entitled: More self-reliance and less government? Neoliberalism in care, welfare and education.
Neo-liberalism seems to be in the DNA of modern society. It determines the way citizens are supposed to deal with each other and the way in which societal problems are dealt with: more market, less government and more self-reliance. Neo-liberalism thus influences people and organisations, even where you don’t expect it. At the same time neo-liberalism seems to be the only way for shaping society. Hence the question we need to discuss: how do we recognize neo-liberalism in care, welfare and education and can we do without?
Participants will receive the latest book of Thomas Biebricher. The masterclass is in Dutch and for further practical details please look at the flyer A review of the masterclass will later be published in English.