On 26 November 2014 prof. Christina Schües (Professor at the Institute for the History of Medicine and Science Research, University of Lübeck, Germany) held a lecture entitled ‘Bodily and Social Vulnerability: a phenomenological perspective on the practice of care’ .
This lectire was part of the seminar series ‘Care practices: towards a re-casting of Ethics’ organised by the University of Oxford. Vulnerability is a central aspect of the human condition. This lecture addresses the fundamental question of how to understand vulnerability from a phenomenological perspective for a practice of care. Even though ‘vulnerability’ is often used in ethics, care practices, and political discourse, its meaning and normative impact are not always clear. Bodily, linguistic, and juridical vulnerability are intertwined with a person’s integrity and their lived experiences in both relations and society.
[button link=”/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Oxford-Ethics-of-Care-Series-Christina-Schües.pdf” bg_color=”#003566″]Lecture Christina Schües (PDF)[/button]
Like all lectures in this seminar series it is taped.
Next lecture on 3 December 2014: prof. Andries Baart.