Ethics in dementia care
July 8 - July 11
€925 – €1025
From 8 to 11 July 2025, the Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law of KU Leuven will organise the 11th edition of the Course on Ethics in Dementia Care. The course is interdisciplinary and draws on philosophy, medicine, nursing, gerontology and clinical ethics.
During the course, experts from Belgium and abroad will give lectures on various ethical topics within the care of people with dementia, such as: dealing with the vulnerability and dignity of patients and residents, family members and care providers, social ideas about dementia, early care planning, euthanasia, use of robots, ICT and other innovative technologies, ethical consultation at team and institutional level. There is plenty of time for discussion. The language of instruction is English.
The course is aimed at participants with diverse professional backgrounds such as physicians (geriatricians, psychiatrists, general practitioners, …), nurses, gerontologists, psychologists, paramedics, pastors, social workers, ethicists and lawyers, managers and directors of healthcare institutions, members of ethics committees and lecturers at colleges and universities. The deadline for early bird registration is May 15.
For more information and registration, please visit our website at: Ethics in Dementia Care 11th Edition 2025 — KU Leuven or at Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law (click on Ethics in Dementia Course) or send an email to Chris.Gastmans .