The sixth volume in the series Ethics of Care is published: Emotions and Care: Interdisciplinary Perspectives eds Sophie Bourgault and Elena Pulcini, Continue reading Emotions and Care: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Author: Webteam
Debating care in Brasil and Portugal
Projeto Cuidado (the care project) is a project in a partnership between Brazil and Portugal. In this article the coordinators of this project (Tânia da Silva Pereira, Guilherme de Oliveira and Antônio Carlos Mathias Coltro) explain what the project aims at and share insights they developed with relation to care. Readers are invited to join the debate about care both within the ambit of law in relation to care and from a humanitarian and interdisciplinary perspective. Continue reading Debating care in Brasil and Portugal
Every moment has potential’….. but for what?
Dr. Stacy Clifford Simplican (Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA) delivered a lecture at the symposium on social inclusion, organized by the chair Citizenship and Humanisation of the Public Sector at the University of Humanistic Studies (Utrecht, the Netherlands). Continue reading Every moment has potential’….. but for what?
The care ethics moment: International innovations
The International Journal of Care and Caring (IJCC) is a new multidisciplinary journal designed to advance scholarship and debate in the important and expanding field of care and caring. Continue reading The care ethics moment: International innovations
Social inclusion critically reflected
Dr. Stacy Clifford Simplican (senior lecturer at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA) is renowned for her critical reflections on the concepts of social inclusion and participation. We asked her about her views on the thinking of Eva Feder Kittay and Joan Tronto. Continue reading Social inclusion critically reflected
Care as Political Category
This spring, the fifth volume in the series Ethics of Care will be published: Care Ethics. The Introduction of Care as Political Category by Fabienne Brugère (France). Continue reading Care as Political Category