A Position Paper on the Care Crisis from Austria, Germany and Switzerland by the Initiative Group Care.Macht.Mehr Continue reading Clean up time! Redesigning Care after Corona
Author: Webteam
Anyone wishing to respond to the passing of Frans Vosman and his meaning for care ethics, is cordially invited to share her or his contribution on our website.
Call for papers: Care, caring and the global COVID-19 pandemic
The International Journal of Care and Caring (Bristol University Press) invites scholars around the world to prepare papers based on new research or scholarly reflection on experience of the pandemic. Continue reading Call for papers: Care, caring and the global COVID-19 pandemic
Ethical relations to the past; call for papers
‘Ethics and social welfare’ is planning a special issue: Ethical relations to the past; individual, institutional, international. Deadline for abstract (300 words): 10 August 2020
Continue reading Ethical relations to the past; call for papers
Frans Vosman (1952-2020)
Frans Vosman passed away June 10, 2020 after a strenuous illness.
When the state meets the street
Bernardo Zacka, political theorist and as such assistant professor at MIT Political Science, Cambridge, USA delivered a lecture at the University of Humanstic Studies in the Netherlands. The lecture centred around his research publication When the state meets the street: public service and moral agency. Continue reading When the state meets the street