In this special issue of Essays in Philosophy, we aim to include essays focused on previously underexplored approaches to examining and practicing care ethics. We are seeking work that actively decenters understandings of care rooted in white, bourgeois, heteronormative domestic/kinship norms and practices. Continue reading Call for papers Care Ethics Otherwise
Author: Webteam
Care Ethics, Democratic Citizenship and the State
The collection of articles in Care Ethics, Democratic Citizenship and the State invites reflection on how to think about the democratic caring state within different contexts globally. In this article editors Lizzie Ward and Petr Urban present the publication.
Continue reading Care Ethics, Democratic Citizenship and the State
Call for Papers Ethics & Social Welfare
Ethics and Social Welfare will publish a special issue dedicated to promoting exchange and discussion on issues, challenges, and problems – as well as experiences, practises, and strategies – arising from the conducting of research. Continue reading Call for Papers Ethics & Social Welfare
Clean up time! Redesigning Care after Corona
A Position Paper on the Care Crisis from Austria, Germany and Switzerland by the Initiative Group Care.Macht.Mehr Continue reading Clean up time! Redesigning Care after Corona
Remembering Elena Pulcini, philosopher of care
A few days ago Maurice Hamington sent a mail to the members of the Carework Network in which he informed us about the passing away of the Italian philosopher Elena Pulcini. Complications of Covid-19 caused her too early death, she was only 71. Continue reading Remembering Elena Pulcini, philosopher of care
Call for papers: Care, caring and the global COVID-19 pandemic
The International Journal of Care and Caring (Bristol University Press) invites scholars around the world to prepare papers based on new research or scholarly reflection on experience of the pandemic. Continue reading Call for papers: Care, caring and the global COVID-19 pandemic