series: trumpism

The rise and election of Trump as president of the US give occasion to reflect on a number of related worldwide phenomena: such as the voice within democracy of people without jobs or in other precarious circumstances, the rise of a worldview in which enemies, painted in black and white, are a necessity, and scholarly knowledge degenerating into a mere opinion. If care ethics is to be a reflection on the practices of care, enabling to live together in a just and fostering way, it is necessary to reflect on these phenomena, to fathom their form and to expose how the concept of caring as a practice is a tool to analyze these phenomena.

‘New feminism’ in the Age of Trump

Like many people across the U.S., Canada, and around the world, I awoke on November 9, 2016, with a deep sense of sorrow, anger and disbelief.  As a Canadian, Trump was not my President Elect; yet somehow his election hit close to home.  That morning, I struggled to turn my attention to my main task for the day: Continue reading ‘New feminism’ in the Age of Trump